Lesson 3: Adding and editing your products

You have full control when it comes to your profile. You can add and update products, images, quantities, and hide and unhide as seasonals come and go.

Adding a product  

  1. Click the ‘Products’ tab on the left-hand sidebar to access your products page  
  2. Click Add Product’ and you’ll be taken to the ‘Add a new product’ page where you will be prompted to add a Title, Image, Configuration, Freight Group, Product Description, List Price and Available Quantity
  3. Once you're done click 'Add Product' in the top right-hand corner 

Tip: add "Product tags" so when Buyers are searching for new SKUs your products will show up in their filtered views. Tags include type, category, country of origin and more. 

Tip: add a unique "Product Code" to each SKU to make it easier to find and update your products, sync with Warehouse Management Systems, and allow Buyers to easily search for their favourites!


Editing a product

  1. Click the ‘Products’  tab on the left-hand sidebar to access your products page  
  2. From your list of products click the individual item you wish to update. Here you can edit your Title, Image, Configuration, Freight Group, Product Description, List Price, Available Quantity and product tags, which will help Buyers find them more easily
  3. Once changes are made click ‘Save Changes’ to update on your supplier page 

Edit all products

  1. Click the ‘Products’ tab on the left-hand sidebar to access your products page  
  2. Click Edit all’ and you'll be able to easily edit the Name, Configuration, Freight Group, List Price, Quantity of each product, as well as making them hidden or unhidden
  3. Once changes are made click ‘Save changes’. These updates will be reflected on your Supplier profile immediately