Introduction to Kaddy

What does Kaddy do?

Ordering from multiple suppliers can be a gruelling process - filling out time-consuming credit apps and chasing Suppliers up each week with numerous calls, texts, and emails -  this process a lot harder than it needs to be. 

On Kaddy, your ordering will be streamlined. You'll have instant access to the freshest and best Suppliers, flexible payment options, and all your invoices at your fingertips. Connect with your favourite and new Suppiers, order from multiple at once, and manage your payment terms all in one place. 

We’re excited to be building this platform alongside you, and our developers are continuously rolling out new and improved features based on your feedback. 

This guide has been created for anyone new to Kaddy, so please feel free to share this with your team as well. 

Getting started is easy and all it takes is a few simple steps. Sign up here for your free account.